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tree-grant-2015 FortisAlberta announces winners of 2015 Tree Planting Grants

Apr 23, 2015 - We implemented a new tree planting initiative as part of its commitment to the environment. The program offers communities in the our service territory the opportunity to win one of four $2,500 grants! These grants support our municipal customers with developing and improving environmentally-friendly programs in their communities. [...]

q1-2015-empowering FortisAlberta employees enjoy an eventful first quarter of empowering communities

Apr 21, 2015 - FortisAlberta is proud to have been selected as one of Alberta’s Top 70 Employers! One of the things that makes us a great company to work for, are the opportunities employees have to get involved in the communities we serve. We had an eve [...]

top-employer-2015 FortisAlberta Receives Top Employer Award

Feb 6, 2015 - ​FortisAlberta is pleased to be named as one of Alberta’s Top Employers. The award recognizes employers who create exceptional places to work by offering the most progressive and forward-thinking programs. [...]

Telephone-scam Warning to customers about telephone scam

Jan 12, 2015 - There have been reports from some customers who have received fraudulent phone calls from individuals claiming to be calling from Canadian Collective Services. These individuals advise that their call is in regards to a bad debt account tha [...]

incandescent-light Lights out for traditional incandescent bulbs

Dec 19, 2014 - Did you know that incandescent bulbs (40, 60 75 & 100 watts) will no longer be produced or imported into Canada as of Jan. 1, 2015? If you don’t, you are not alone - only 4 in 10 people are aware of the incandescent bulb phase-out. It start [...]

gazebo-dec-2014 John Brooks builds a gazebo for Camp Kindle

Dec 18, 2014 - Two years ago FortisAlberta donated $25,000 to the Kids Cancer Care Foundation of Alberta (KCCFA), which went toward getting Camp Kindle up and running. This Camp offers a magical experience and a safe place for people of all ages who have [...]

galloping-lines-2014 Galloping conductors cause trouble in Southern Alberta

Dec 16, 2014 - They ride into town now and then, but only every couple of years do they come to cause a ruckus. On Monday, Dec. 15, a phenomenon known as “galloping conductors” began in southeastern Alberta, and weather conditions persisted into the foll [...]

FortisAlberta makes donation to the Children’s Wish Foundation of Alberta

Dec 15, 2014 - The Children's Wish Foundation of Alberta is a charity that helps children and families by granting a child diagnosed with a life-threatening illness with a favourite wish. With every wish that the Foundation grants, they create moments of [...]

institution-award-Nov-2014 FortisAlberta receives the Awards of Excellence-Education/Training Institution Award

Nov 14, 2014 - On Oct. 24, 2014, FortisAlberta received, for the first-time, the Awards of Excellence-Education/Training Institution Award, from Electricity Human Resources Canada (EHRC) for our Employee Development Centre (EDC) located in Red Deer. [...]

fallen-soldiers-oct-2014 FortisAlberta assists with sunrise ceremony honoring Canada’s fallen soldiers

Oct 31, 2014 - FortisAlberta has proven time and again that whatever the weather, we’ll be there to serve our customers. So what makes what happened on a cold, crisp, but otherwise calm fall morning on Oct. 29 another prime example of this commitment? [...]

comm-grant-2014 FortisAlberta is pleased to announce the winners of our Community Naturalization Grants

Apr 22, 2014 - Our program gives communities in our service territory the opportunity to be awarded a $3,000 grant! In its third year, this program offers support for communities interested in implementing environmentally-friendly programs or improving fa [...]

Think Before You Dig

Think Before You Dig

Whether you’re gardening, planting a tree or putting up a fence, you can avoid a serious electrical incident by submitting a locate request.

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