
Your meter, owned and maintained by us, registers how much electricity your site is using. We’re responsible for gathering the information, validating it and sending it to your billing company, also known as your retailer.

Usually, we do this with a Power Line Carrier (PLC) system that automatically sends your electricity usage over the power lines every day. We record it and send to your billing company twice a month.

On occasion, we need to send a representative to your home or business to inspect, monitor, or service our equipment. It’s helpful if you can:

  • keep pets inside, in a separate area, or on a leash;
  • ensure your meter is accessible, don’t lock your gate; and
  • keep a safe pathway to your meter free of snow, ice, or other hazardous materials.

Service and Metering Guide

New and upgraded services with us must have a meter installed correctly and safely. Before you get connected, read through our Service and Metering Guide to make sure your site meets the requirements.

*Please Note: This guide may be updated occasionally. Please ensure you have the most recent version from our website.

Download the Service and Metering Guide

Understanding Your Demand Meter and Delivery Charges

There are two main components to an electricity bill; charges related to the energy that is consumed and charges related to delivering the energy to you, the customerThis document explains how demands and demand meters work.

*Please read the document to understand how demands and demand meters work.

Download the Guide

Meter Reading Form

We deliver meter services to you by providing a meter that registers the amount of electricity used at your site. The electricity usage information is then typically communicated over the power lines once per day to our meter record systems. Site consumption information is typically sent twice a month to your Retailer. You are still welcome to provide us with a read through this online form or by calling 310-WIRE (9473).

Enter your meter read

Questions about your meter?

How is consumption measured?
What happens if my meter can’t be read automatically?
Is my account information secure?
Is my meter tested for accuracy?
Could an automated meter cause interference with my devices?
What do I do if I suspect power theft?
What is demand measurement?

Can’t find the answer to your question? Chat with us live, or call us at 310-WIRE (9473) or 1-866-717-3113.



Click Before You Dig

Whether you’re gardening, planting a tree or putting up a fence, you can avoid a serious electrical incident by submitting a locate request.

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