Latest Articles

readingrally2016 Employee volunteers bring the joy of reading to students

Mar 1, 2016 - On Feb. 23, FortisAlberta participated in a reading rally at A.E. Bowers Elementary School in Airdrie where our employees read to 60 kindergarten students in the gymnasium. Teachers also entertained us with a reader’s theatre performance and special guest Mayor Peter Brown amused the crowd by reading a story about ‘how to read a story.’ FortisAlberta has been partnered with Calgary Reads since Se [...]

Streetlight-Repair-Map New Streetlight Repair Map allows customers to request repairs easily

Feb 16, 2016 - We launched a new Streetlight Repair Map to enable you to view streetlights within FortisAlberta’s service area and request repairs within minutes. Power Line Technicians now receive more detailed information about streetlight repair reques [...]

EcoYouth2 Eco Youth Awards presented to Airdrie schools

Jan 28, 2016 - In partnership with The City of Airdrie’s Waste and Recycling team, on Jan. 28, students at Building Futures, Meadowbrook School and Nose Creek Elementary in Airdrie were presented with Eco Youth Awards, sponsored by FortisAlberta. Present [...]

Removing Transformer Oil The last non-compliant transformer is removed in the Whitecourt area

Dec 17, 2015 - On a cold November morning in the Whitecourt area, FortisAlberta achieved an environmental milestone. The last transformer containing greater than 50 parts-per-million (PPM) of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) was removed in order to comply [...]

surge-protector Three ways to protect your appliances during an outage

Nov 26, 2015 - Outages and disturbances to transmission and distribution facilities are expected in the normal course of operations. Customers are encouraged to protect all their electrical facilities and devices from outages and disturbances to transmiss [...]

safety-star-2015 Congratulations to our 2015 Safety Star recipients

Nov 20, 2015 - FortisAlberta awards schools with a Safety Star grant in recognition of their commitment to providing a safe and caring learning environment for their students, teachers and staff. A panel of judges evaluated the applications and awarded 10 [...]

blog-new-website Welcome to the new

Oct 15, 2015 - During the past year, we’ve been working to bring you a new website to give you a seamless experience. We surveyed some of our customers and based on these results, we’re delivering you a website with improved navigation and self-service ac [...]

sulphur-mountain History, heights and an endangered species meet on Sulphur Mountain

Oct 14, 2015 - “My dad built this power line up Banff’s Sulphur Mountain in 1957, so it’s ironic that I’m a small part of rebuilding it 58 years later,” says Doug Skippen, Manager Environment. “Times have certainly changed and the environmental hoops that [...]

Banff-Elementary-School Our donation helps students get in touch with nature

Oct 11, 2015 - Banff Elementary School students will participate in Nature Explorers, a monthly outdoor curriculum with field trips and projects,and we're sponsoring this program with a $2,500 donation. This program adds an outdoor, experiential componen [...]

canmore-wrap-2015 Canmore continues to rave about wraps

Sep 25, 2015 - The Town of Canmore applauded our switching cubicle wrap program at the Mayor’s annual Spotlight on the Arts celebration on Sept. 24. FortisAlberta wrapped 10 cubicles this year with five new images (two of each) and 14 wraps (two each of [...]

RMH-group Our Rocky Mountain House office celebrates a safety milestone

Sep 15, 2015 - On Thursday, Sept. 3, employees and family members gathered at the Rocky Mountain House office to celebrate 15 years without a preventable lost-time incident (LTI) and medical-aid injury. “Some people think that getting to zero preventabl [...]

SB__4909 We're reminding farmers about power line safety this fall

Sep 10, 2015 - Fall is a busy time on Alberta’s farm. It’s time to harvest crops, move bins and many other high loads or pieces of equipment. FortisAlberta is asking farmers to remember to work safely around power lines. In 2014, 14 power line contacts in [...]

tofield4h2015 FortisAlberta offers grants through Alberta 4-H Community Cares contest

Aug 17, 2015 - Each year FortisAlberta offers four $1,000 grants to 4-H clubs in Alberta. The contest recognizes the efforts of these clubs working to enhance their communities by engaging in a community project. Congratulations to the winners of this ye [...]

Legion Sponsorship helps Devon’s Royal Canadian Legion purchase life-saving device

Jul 30, 2015 - We recently presented the Royal Canadian Legion in Devon with a $2,000 cheque to fund the purchase of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED). An AED is an electronic device that can monitor heart rhythms and tell if the heart has stoppe [...]

Lacombedays1 Employees volunteer at barbeque for Lacombe residents

Jul 29, 2015 - On Friday, July 24, employees from our Lacombe office hosted a barbeque for area residents during Lacombe Days. Lacombe Days showcases the fun and vibrant community of Lacombe. With more than 40 events and activities, there’s something for [...]

sagegrouselines We’re doing our part to keep Sage-grouse alive

Jul 24, 2015 - As a Company, we continually seek to improve our environmental performance and manage environmental risk. We recognize that construction, operation and maintenance of distribution power lines and rights-of-way may adversely affect the envir [...]

soup-group Creating warm hearts through Soup Sisters

Jul 6, 2015 - What do you get when you combine a group of FortisAlberta’s women leaders in a SAIT kitchen with some amazing chefs? More than 100 litres of soup of course! As part of the Company’s Women in Leadership group, more than 30 FortisAlberta lea [...]

aboriginal-day-2015 National Aboriginal Day

Jun 19, 2015 - National Aboriginal Day (NAD) takes place on June 21, 2015. It is a special day to celebrate the unique heritage, diverse cultures and outstanding achievements of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples in Canada. At FortisAlberta, we value [...]

lightning-season-2015 It's lightning season, be safe!

Jun 11, 2015 - Lightning season has begun, and will run its course until September. In 2014, we recorded more than 210,000 strikes for 55 of our major service points. As, your electric distribution provider, we have more than 120,000 kilometres of mostly [...]

osprey-2014 The Ospreys have returned to FortisAlberta's nesting platform!

Jun 2, 2015 - The Ospreys have returned to our nesting platform in the Canmore area, and are now busy keeping their three eggs warm. Through a live video stream, you can get a bird’s eye view with sounds as the hatchlings emerge from their eggs over the [...]

Think Before You Dig

Think Before You Dig

Whether you’re gardening, planting a tree or putting up a fence, you can avoid a serious electrical incident by submitting a locate request.

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