We are upgrading our metering technology in all parts of our service territory. Through the Next Generation Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Program, we will be replacing our current power line carrier (PLC) and cellular technologies with a mix of radio frequency (RF) and cellular technologies in urban and rural areas.
As with any technology, upgrades are required to keep up with evolving customer needs. AMI metering technology is common in North America and has proven to be a sustainable, reliable and cost-effective choice for customers.
While our existing technology uses our power lines to transmit data and communication signals, advanced metering technology uses radio frequency waves or cellular communication to automatically transmit data from AMI meters installed on your property to offer measurement of your energy usage and significantly reduce the need for estimate readings that sometimes occur today.
Once installed in your home or businesses, the new AMI meter will transmit data through wireless signals to offer measurement of your energy usage required by your electricity retailer. This will be used to calculate the electricity bill you pay, including the distribution service charges paid to FortisAlberta.
This meter upgrade program started in 2023 and is scheduled for completion by the end of 2029. The program will be implemented in two phases.
Phase one: Network equipment deployment and meter exchanges will occur in select locations (Beaumont, Nisku, Airdrie, Acheson, Whitecourt, Strathmore, Cochrane) in 2024. This first phase is required prior to full deployment to ensure the new communication technology operates optimally, allowing us to continue to provide automated meter reading services for our customers.
Phase one timeline (approximate)
After the initial phase is completed, detailed deployment timelines for the remainder of your community will be communicated.
Phase two: Full deployment of meter infrastructure and meter exchanges will follow across our service territory from mid-2025 to the end of 2029.
There are no health risks associated with the exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields (EMF) from AMI meters. RF meter emissions are safe and comply with the recommended limits of transmission. We always ensure that the minimum safe distances are followed on our installed RF devices, including automated meters.
Your exposure to radio frequency EMF from automated meters is very low. This is because:
Health Canada has defined these safe exposure limits in its Safety Code. FortisAlberta’s AMI meters operate at levels far below the limits outlined by Health Canada’s Safety Code.
For more information, please see our resources.
Can’t find the answer to your question? Chat with us live or call us at 310-WIRE (9473) or 1-866-717-3113.
Please see the following resources to learn more about our AMI technology.