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Peter Brodsky, Manager, Public Affairs
Email Peter
If you have an inquiry and are not a member of the media, please call us at 310-WIRE (9473) or connect with us using live chat.
March 3, 2025
FortisAlberta announces Public Safety Power Shutoff measures for this wildfire season
April 20, 2023
FortisAlberta completes final commissioning of battery backup system in Waterton National Park
May 19, 2021
FortisAlberta donates more than $100,000 for environmental initiatives in Alberta
Nov. 9, 2020
FortisAlberta announces retirement of Michael Mosher and the appointment of Janine Sullivan as President and Chief Executive Officer
Aug. 29, 2019
FortisAlberta supports Children's Indoor Play Society (CHIPS) of Wetaskiwin with a donation of $5,000
Apr. 4, 2019
Partnership between FortisAlberta and RDC celebrates sustainability and resilient energy futures
Aug. 3, 2018
FortisAlberta announces appointment of Michael Mosher as President and Chief Executive Officer
Read more
June 14, 2018
FortisAlberta announces winners of 2018 Community Naturalization and Tree Planting Grants
February 7, 2018
Town of Fort Macleod agrees to sale of electricity system to FortisAlberta Inc.
September 8, 2017
FortisAlberta to deploy employees to help in Turks & Caicos restoration efforts
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Power Restoration
Our process involves restoring power to the greatest number of people, as quickly as possible.