Our Rocky Mountain House office celebrates a safety milestone
Sep 15, 2015, 21:54 PMOn Thursday, Sept. 3, employees and family members gathered at the Rocky Mountain House office to celebrate 15 years without a preventable lost-time incident (LTI) and medical-aid injury.
“Some people think that getting to zero preventable injuries isn’t possible,” says Phonse Delaney, President and CEO, “but if you can do 15 years in a row like Rocky Mountain House has done, it shows that not only is it possible, but also sustainable. Congratulations and all the best!”
How does the crew continue to uphold such a high standard of safety?
“Everybody wants to work safe, because we all want to get home safely. We always look out for each other,” says Ken Dahle, Area Foreman.
“There’s been a change over the years in the attitudes of employees towards safety, changes with the equipment that we use and how we do our work,” adds Randy Hudey, Power Line Technician. “We’re doing warm-up exercises prior to work, and focusing on better ergonomics. We now do a lot more thinking about a task before getting at it.”
Congratulations to Rocky Mountain House for achieving the outstanding milestone of 15 years without a preventable injury! Keep up the great work!