John Brooks builds a gazebo for Camp Kindle
Dec 18, 2014, 20:14 PMTwo years ago FortisAlberta donated $25,000 to the Kids Cancer Care Foundation of Alberta (KCCFA), which went toward getting Camp Kindle up and running. This Camp offers a magical experience and a safe place for people of all ages who have been affected by cancer to enjoy a natural setting that excites the senses, and soothes the soul.
John Brooks, Power Line Technician, was among six employees who volunteered at Camp Kindle to serve ice cream and tour the facility in July of 2013. "I just fell in love with the Camp and all the smiling faces. It’s a special place. And seeing all the kids and their families there enjoying themselves had an impact on me, especially after losing my wife not too long ago from cancer,” says Brooks.
After his time at the Camp, John was inspired to build a gazebo for the children and their families, and given that he builds gazebos on a part-time basis this was something he knew he could do. “I wanted there to be a nice spot for the kids and their families where they could enjoy the outdoors without all the pesky bugs and mosquitoes,” says Brooks.
Since his time at the Camp, John was diagnosed with prostate cancer and has undergone treatment and is now doing well. “I urge all men to get their prostates checked. Being proactive is important. I’m happy to report that I’m cancer free and hope that I can still say this at my next check-up.”
John has built the gazebo and arranged to have it delivered to the Camp. FortisAlberta purchased a screen for the structure, and now visitors to the Camp can enjoy this gift for years to come.
Camp Kindle is open year round and is a great place for kids to just be kids and enjoy time with their families. Learn more about the Camp