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IMG_3488 STARS saves FortisAlberta employee

Feb 7, 2018 - He lived to tell the tale, literally. As an Alberta-proud company, with customers and colleagues who work and live in remote locations, FortisAlberta believes in supporting STARS Air Ambulance (STARS). Their work saves Albertans’ lives. Dan Thayer is our colleague and, in October 2016, STARS saved his life. [...]

projects-solar FortisAlberta connects large solar farm near Brooks

Feb 2, 2018 - Alberta’s biggest single solar generation site was connected Nov. 28 just outside of Brooks. FortisAlberta played a valuable role in connecting the distributed generation project, which had been stalled for years without a Power Purchase [...]

Telephone-scam Warning to customers about scams

Jan 12, 2018 - There have been reports from some customers who have received fraudulent phone calls or texts appearing to be from a FortisAlberta representative. This is a reminder that we do not collect credit card or bank account information over the t [...]

Novinium%20group%20with%20FortisAlberta FortisAlberta receives Environmental Stewardship Award for cable injection program

Nov 22, 2017 - On Nov. 16, FortisAlberta was pleased to be one of the 10 recipients of Novinium’s annual Environmental Stewardship Award. Each year, Novinium selects the utilities based on the amount of cable that is rejuvenated. Curtis Eck, Vice Presid [...]

oct17lines High winds and wildfires cause widespread outages in Alberta

Oct 18, 2017 - Yesterday, windstorms and multiple wildfires caused widespread outages in southern Alberta and pockets of outages throughout the province. At the peak of the outages yesterday, more than 11,000 customers were without power. FortisAlberta c [...]

save-calf How many Power Line Technicians does it take to save a calf?

Oct 5, 2017 - While working to restore power following Monday’s snow and wind storm, one of FortisAlberta’s Power Line Technicians (PLTs) noticed a distressed calf that had fallen into a semi-frozen dugout nearby. Having grown up on the farm, many of [...]

Snow storm Extreme snow and wind cause outages across Alberta

Oct 2, 2017 - FortisAlberta is experiencing outages in the Eastern part of our service area primarily in the southeast, as a result of wet and heavy snow and galloping lines. Severe weather with high winds has resulted in trees on lines and wires down an [...]

kris-waterton Southern Alberta wildfire update

Sep 27, 2017 - On Sept. 14, 2017, customers were evacuated from their homes in parts of our service area including Cardston County, Waterton Park and the MD of Pincher Creek. Our system sustained significant damage as a result of the fire, but we are plea [...]

Wildfire-blog-image FortisAlberta responds to customers impacted by southern Alberta wildfires

Sep 14, 2017 - The wildfires burning in southern Alberta resulted in mandatory evacuations in parts of our service territory including Cardston County, Waterton and the MD of Pincher Creek. FortisAlberta recently received clearance to re-enter impacted ar [...]

Turks-and-Caicos-group FortisAlberta deploys employees to help in Turks & Caicos restoration efforts

Sep 8, 2017 - FortisAlberta is deploying 19 employees to support sister utility FortisTCI in its extensive efforts to restore the power system in Turks and Caicos, following Hurricane Irma’s devastation. Approximately 60 employees from Canadian Fortis ut [...]

milk river nesting FortisAlberta helps Milk River school enter environmental contest

Aug 30, 2017 - A seemingly small idea from a few students at the Erle Rivers High School in Milk River turned into a much bigger reality when FortisAlberta was able to get involved. Some employees recently helped the students enter the Caring for Our Wate [...]

osprey tangled Cochrane PLTs free tangled osprey during night mission

Aug 24, 2017 - On the evening of Sunday, Aug. 13, Power Line Technicians Ryan and Trent got the call to respond to a customer concern. It was regarding a young osprey in a nesting platform that FortisAlberta had installed by the traffic circle at Hwy 8 an [...]

1.1 million reasons FortisAlberta tests poles to ensure reliability

Jun 12, 2017 - FortisAlberta is currently conducting pole testing throughout its service territory to ensure reliability for its customers. Maintaining electrical distribution poles and wires in a safe and reliable manner is one of the most important act [...]

Hawk Nest FortisAlberta’s windstorm restoration efforts extend to our feathered friends

Jun 9, 2017 - Thousands of FortisAlberta customers had it bad as a spring windstorm took out power for as long as two days, but there were yet some who had it even worse. On May 24, gale-force winds tore through Red Deer County and left carnage in its pa [...]

pole testing FortisAlberta tests poles to ensure reliability

Jun 7, 2017 - FortisAlberta, an electricity distribution company dedicated to delivering safe and reliable electricity to the homes, farms and businesses of more than half a million customers, is currently conducting pole testing throughout its service t [...]

storm may picture FortisAlberta responds to mass outages caused by high winds across Alberta

May 25, 2017 - In response to a major storm that has occurred in the province today, customers across the FortisAlberta service area have experienced outages caused by high winds and trees falling on lines. In response to this event, FortisAlberta deploye [...]

safety-performance FortisAlberta recognized as top safety performer amongst Fortis group of companies

Apr 12, 2017 - Cam Aplin, Vice President, Operations, attended a semi-annual Fortis Operating Group (FOG) meeting where FortisAlberta was formally recognized as the Top Safety Performer in 2016 amongst the Fortis group of companies. In its first year, th [...]

curlingrmh Our employees help "freeze the house" for families

Feb 9, 2017 - FortisAlberta employees have been longtime supporters of the Central Alberta Ronald McDonald House in Red Deer. From Feb. 3 - 5, six employees stepped up once again for this great cause by participating in the annual Freeze the House Charit [...]

blog-new-website Welcome to our Crowsnest Pass customers

Dec 21, 2016 - FortisAlberta would like to welcome Crowsnest Pass as we begin the operation of the electric system that brings electricity to all of the homes and businesses in your community. You may have already seen us around your community as we prep [...]

busaccident2016 FortisAlberta employee rescues school bus passengers near Stony Plain

Dec 9, 2016 - At approximately 6:45 a.m., Friday, Dec. 9, a FortisAlberta employee happened upon an accident scene near Stony Plain involving a school bus and a power pole. The pole was broken at the base and rested on the school bus. Understanding the s [...]

Think Before You Dig

Think Before You Dig

Whether you’re gardening, planting a tree or putting up a fence, you can avoid a serious electrical incident by submitting a locate request.

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