FortisAlberta offers grants through Alberta 4-H Community Cares contest
Aug 17, 2015, 20:43 PMEach year FortisAlberta offers four $1,000 grants to 4-H clubs in Alberta. The contest recognizes the efforts of these clubs working to enhance their communities by engaging in a community project.
Congratulations to the winners of this year’s contest:Tofield 4-H Beef Club hosted a community barbeque on May 24, 2015 to welcome the Communities for Veterans Foundations (CVF) Ride across Canada. The CVF are riding their horses across Canada to raise awareness of mental and physical challenges faced by our serving and veteran military when returning home.
The Tofield 4-H Beef Club brought the community together by serving more than 160 hot dogs and burgers when the CVF arrived in their community. They also coordinated a Military Tribute Truck and SOT 500 Tribute Car to escort the CVF through the town.
Stoney Riders 4-H Club in Stony Plain volunteered their time with landscaping, renovation and construction for the Alberta Parenting for the Future Association (APFA) at their new facility in Stony Plain. APFA encourages and supports families and actively engages them in strengthening connections in their families and their communities.

Borderline 4-H Multi Club volunteered at the Medicine Hat Community Garden. They worked to develop a new sustainable and self-sufficient edible forest. The edible forest is projected to take three years to flourish.

Central Ponoka 4-H Beef Club assists with the Ponoka Stampede Rodeo Challenge which is an event where physically and/or mentally challenged youth become a rodeo contestant for a day. Each contestant is paired with a rodeo superstar and participates in events such as bull riding, calf roping, wild cow milking and horse drawn wagon rides. Click here to view the video.