FortisAlberta employees enjoy an eventful first quarter of empowering communities
Apr 21, 2015, 19:54 PMFortisAlberta is proud to have been selected as one of Alberta’s Top 70 Employers! One of the things that makes us a great company to work for, are the opportunities employees have to get involved in the communities we serve.
We had an eventful first quarter of 2015 as FortisAlberta supported organizations and initiatives that fall under our pillars of community investment: safety, education and the environment.
Watch the Q1 2015 Empowering Communities video to get a taste of some of the communities and organizations that we had the opportunity to get involved with over the past three months. We reveal the three winners of our second annual Earth Hour Challenge, who will use their grants to retrofit lights in their communities with energy-efficient alternatives.
We also invite all municipalities within our service territory to apply for one of FortisAlberta’s 12 $3,000 Community Naturalization grants, which can be used towards making environmental improvements in your community. Deadline is April 22, 2015.
Do you want FortisAlberta to support a program or upcoming event in your community? Contact CorpCommAB@fortisalberta.com with your ideas.