How many Power Line Technicians does it take to save a calf?
Oct 5, 2017, 19:46 PMWhile working to restore power following Monday’s snow and wind storm, one of FortisAlberta’s Power Line Technicians (PLTs) noticed a distressed calf that had fallen into a semi-frozen dugout nearby.
Having grown up on the farm, many of our PLTs are familiar with what to look out for when surveying storm-ridden areas. They could see that the calf was in trouble, and may have not survived if it wasn’t for the quick efforts of four of our Strathmore PLTs.
“We always have to be ready for any type of scenario,” says Taurean Kugler. “You never know what kind of damage a storm could bring.”
One PLT quickly grabbed a hand line rope off a nearby service truck and the PLTs carefully stepped down to the edge of the bank, where they were able to put a loop around the calf’s neck and pull it to safety.
“This is one of the more memorable events of my career,” says Chad Brownlee. “I thought I’d only be going out to fix some damaged power lines.”
Once out of the frigid waters, the 400-pound calf stepped to its feet and was carefully escorted out of the dugout and away from danger.
The crew notified the rancher that they had rescued one of his calves and he was very appreciative and thankful!
Thanks to PLTs:Taurean Kugler, Gordon Armitage, Mike Sadoway, Chad Brownlee and Bradey Wegener.