FortisAlberta launches Save Energy Grants program
Mar 8, 2018, 16:51 PMThe company is launching Save Energy Grants to support municipalities including schools and businesses within its service territory with energy efficiency initiatives. The total program budget for FortisAlberta’s Save Energy Grants is $50,000.
“FortisAlberta is excited to launch its Save Energy Grants program to support our communities with their energy efficiency initiatives,” says Rob Litzenberger, Director, Government Relations and Energy Solutions.
The company will disburse grants to assist with a variety of energy efficiency initiatives across the FortisAlberta’s service territory, which will range in the amount of $1,000 to $5,000, depending on the amount requested and the total cost of the project.
Albertans are looking for ways to save money, reduce their energy consumption and minimize their environmental footprint, which is why the company continues to seek ways to help its customers save energy. The Save Energy Grants program is one of the many ways that FortisAlberta is able to assist with this.
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