FortisAlberta deploys employees to help in Turks & Caicos restoration efforts
Sep 8, 2017, 22:56 PMFortisAlberta is deploying 19 employees to support sister utility FortisTCI in its extensive efforts to restore the power system in Turks and Caicos, following Hurricane Irma’s devastation. Approximately 60 employees from Canadian Fortis utilities (FortisBC, FortisAlberta, FortisOntario, Maritime Electric and Newfoundland Power) will travel to the region as soon as the airport opens.
“Our thoughts and prayers go out to our friends and colleagues at FortisTCI and all Turks and Caicos residents,” says Cam Aplin, Vice President, Operations. “FortisTCI is an extension of the Fortis family and we are proud to be able to support the restoration efforts and get their customers’ power back on as quickly and safely as possible.”
Our combined effort to assist FortisTCI in restoring the system will be comprehensive. The first priority will be to restore power to critical infrastructure such as water supply systems, as well as to emergency response organizations like fire, police, hospitals and shelters. All other efforts will be organized and prioritized once on the ground.
This is the ninth emergency response effort of this kind for Fortis utilities, with the two most recent being due to Hurricanes Igor (2010, Newfoundland Power) and Ike (2008, Turks and Caicos).