FortisAlberta brings P.A.R.T.Y. Program to high school students
May 17, 2016, 19:15 PMWorking with community partners in the Town of High River, FortisAlberta brought the Prevent Alcohol and Risk-Related Trauma in Youth (P.A.R.T.Y.) Program to grade nine students from Highwood High School and Notre Dame Collegiate. The goal of the program is to educate youth to identify potentially dangerous situations and increase awareness of personal responsibility for their choices; empowering youth to make educated and informed choices about their safety and the safety of others.
The day included a mock accident scene involving a power pole, videos, a rehabilitation talk and ended with a barbeque lunch provided by FortisAlberta. Guest speakers from Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society (STARS), Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD) and the Southern Alberta Brain Injury Society also attended and shared their stories.
Local officials from the high schools, fire department, emergency medical services, Alberta Health Services, RCMP, Lyle Reeves Funeral Home and FortisAlberta collaborated to ensure the success of this program.
Watch the mock accident video: