Electric Vehicle Smart Charging Pilot

Our Electric Vehicle Smart Charging Pilot has ended. The data collected has provided valuable insight into where and when residential EV charging is drawing large amounts of power from the grid, as well as how to best respond to increased demand on the distribution system.

We'd like to thank those who participated for supporting FortisAlberta's commitment to further optimize the grid while minimizing distribution costs for customers.

Please note: Participants can continue using Optiwatt if they choose, though the decision to use Optiwatt is solely the decision of the user with the app no longer connected to FortisAlberta or the EV Smart Charging Pilot.

Any questions related to Optiwatt should be directed to support@getoptiwatt.com.

Frequently Asked Questions

Charging, Distance and EV use in Alberta

All 6 facts grouped_Dec 2023 Update

Terms and Conditions