Electric Vehicles and Electric Vehicle Chargers

As your electricity distribution provider, our job is to ensure the grid is ready for the electrification of transportation in our province. As you start to think about making the switch to an electric vehicle (EV), you may have questions and we are here to help!

We have partnered with ChooseEV to provide you with the most current EV information available. These resources include: 


The EV model reviewer - View EVs that can be sorted and filtered by users seeking general performance and cost information.


Commute Savings Calculator – Calculate the savings you may realize by switching from fossil fuels to EV based on the kilometres you drive.


Incentives – Start your EV journey with a general overview of provincial and federal funding opportunities available to support electric.


Home Chargers – Helping residential customers understand what kind of electric vehicle supply equipment is available for your home.


Carbon Comparison Calculator– Calculate the difference in the carbon emissions between gas and EV based on the number of kilometres driven annually.


Public Charger Finder – Find EV charging stations to plan your fueling route.

Learn more about EVs

Electrical Considerations | Residential Chargers

Charging your vehicle at home is a big advantage to owning an EV if you have the means and ability to do so.  

Learn more about Level 2 EV supply equipment, the most common equipment chosen for residential charging, to decide which charger is right for you. 

The additional electrical load needed to install EV charging equipment may require an upgrade to the electrical panel, breakers and wiring of your home. Our Electrical Load Quick Guide will help you understand what is needed to support Level 2 EV chargers and we encourage you to contact an electrician to discuss your home’s capacity. For multi-dwelling units, we recommend contacting your property manager.  

If you think you may need an upgrade to the electricity that runs to your home, give us a call or complete our online application.

Electrical Considerations | Public Chargers

Like a gas-powered vehicle and its fuel to range measurement of number of litres used per 100 kilometres, an EV range is measured in kilowatt hours per 100 kilometres.  

The average time to charge and discharge an electric vehicle can vary based on the manufacturer specifications, battery age and state of health, driving conditions, external elements, and understanding that the charging rate decreases as a battery reaches full capacity.  

Depending on the number and type of public chargers installed, non-residential customers can expect to be placed on FortisAlberta’s Rate 41 – Small General Service, Rate 61 – General Service, or the interim Rate 62 – Electric Vehicle Fast Charging as a standalone service. There may also be the option to add chargers onto an existing service and FortisAlberta is here to help determine the best solution for you. 

To process a quote for the electric service required to run your public electric vehicle charging station, please have the following information available:  

  1. Location(s), including information about existing service – is there already electricity on site, or will this be a new service? (site map preferred)  
  2. Connected load requirement (kilowatt size of the charger) 
  3. Number and level of chargers you are planning to install 
  4. The proposed panel size 

If you are interested in a Level 3 charger, please note this will typically require access to more electricity through a three-phase line. To assess your location(s), we recommend using the FortisAlberta Service Estimator. The estimator can provide an overview of the distribution system for EV charging planning purposes by visually representing the distribution system in your area prior to contacting FortisAlberta for a quote.

Please contact our Customer Care Centre at 310-WIRE (9473) when you are ready to apply for service, or if you require any further information.

Rate 62 – Electric Vehicle Fast Charging | Public Chargers

EV adoption is fast-growing in Alberta and while you may see many EV charging stations along the highway corridors, as an electricity distribution provider, we see considerable gaps, known as charging deserts, within our service area.

With support from our customers, FortisAlberta applied for a rate to support early charger adopters in low EV utilization areas which was approved by the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC).

Rate 62 is a pilot rate, approved by the AUC on an interim basis. Customers may request FortisAlberta's approval for Rate 62 if they meet the eligibility criteria. So long as the point of service remains on Rate 62, the terms and conditions applicable to Rate 62 under FortisAlberta's Rates, Options, and Riders Schedule will apply.

Eligibility: To qualify for Rate 62, the point of service must:

  1. Have an expected peak demand below 500 kW
  2. Be a standalone* EV Direct Current Fast Charging (DCFC) station

*Standalone means an independent service for the EV charging station. Additional loads cannot be connected to the same meter that do not directly relate to the charging station. For example, an office building, a convenience store, or a gas station.

If you’re not sure your existing charger is a direct current fast charger, please refer to the charger’s specification sheet or your charger vendor for more information.

Rate Changes: Rate 62 maintains a billing crossover with FortisAlberta’s Rate 41 or Rate 61. Once the load factor (i.e., utilization) of individual EV charging sites enrolled in Rate 62 exceeds approximately 4-5% load factor consistently, it is recommended that the rate class be changed to a demand-based rate.

While the point of service is subject to Rate 62, you may request a change to the rate in accordance with FortisAlberta’s Terms and Conditions, Determination of Applicable Rates once in any 12-month period.

Load Factor Calculator:  It is the customer's responsibility to monitor usage at the service (assuming the service remains eligible for Rate 62) to determine which rate makes financial sense for you.

This Load Factor calculator is for demonstration purposes only. Click the button below to use the calculator.

Use the Load Factor Calculator