Licensed Occupancy (Joint Use)

An application for Licensed Occupancy (joint use) involves an approval process to attach equipment to FortisAlberta structures (poles, streetlights, trenches). Examples of typical attachments include wireline, antenna, wi-fi, security cameras, control boxes, 5G devices, banners, planters, festive lighting, solar traffic and speed signs. 

The cost of attaching to FortisAlberta structures varies based on the type and quantity of attachments. Costs can include application fees, pole or structure modifications and annual fees. Please note, a separate application may be required if a power source is necessary.

In order for FortisAlberta to provide a detailed estimate we will require information prior to completing a site visit to confirm the scope of work. Application fees will be charged to complete detailed estimates. A contract is required to commence work, except in cases where municipalities hold a Franchise Agreement.

To start the application process, customers must provide the legal land description or civic address and site plan, and specifications of the attachment. A third party authorization may be required. 

Apply online using the Attach to FortisAlberta Equipment form or call 310-WIRE (9473). The timeline from application to connection is dependent on complexity and third party approval requirements. Municipalities should proceed with the normal application process stated above, but if there are any questions or concerns please contact your Stakeholder Relations Manager.


Please see below a list of helpful Joint Use resources.

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How much will it cost to bring power to a new site?
How do I get a meter installed after construction is completed?
What is a Site ID and where can I find it?
How can I check the status of my project?
Think Before You Dig

Think Before You Dig

Whether you’re gardening, planting a tree or putting up a fence, you can avoid a serious electrical incident by submitting a locate request.

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