FortisAlberta lends more eyes and ears to rural Alberta
Sep 23, 2019, 16:48 PM“Crime is least likely to occur when people are looking out for each other,” says Rosemary Lindsay, Zone 1 Director, APRCWA. “For FortisAlberta, it’s more of a passive crime watch: employees are out there anyway and know when something’s not right. When you come across a suspicious activity, simply contact your local RCMP detachment to report it. No call is too small – every piece of info helps solve crimes.”
“Crime in rural Alberta has been on the rise and these are the communities that we live and work in,” says Cam Aplin, Vice President, Operations. “Our employees are out in these areas daily and we can lend a hand by reporting anything suspicious which will help keep our friends, neighbours and customers safe.”
To report a potential crime or unusual activity, call the 24-hour non-emergency number for your local RCMP detachment.
Airdrie RCMP Sergeant Brent Keibel stresses that, as guardians, we are only to observe, record and report: “Do not approach anyone you may have suspicions about, especially in an aggressive way. Even if you believe it’s warranted, you may end up being held liable if you hurt someone, no matter how guilty they may be.”