Long-standing Chrysalis participant celebrates 25 years
Oct 17, 2018, 17:32 PMFor the past 25 years, Chrysalis, an Alberta society that assists individuals with disabilities achieve their employment, volunteer and recreation goals, has been an integral part of FortisAlberta’s Acheson Service Centre.
On Sept. 26, the Acheson Service Centre hosted a lunch for one of the work program participants who celebrated her 25 year work anniversary with FortisAlberta. Congratulations to her for her long standing service with us.
Chrysalis is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing the support and resources needed to find and retain employment creating a pathway to self-sufficiency for homeless and low-income individuals. Their philosophy is that a steady job is the single most important step in a person's transition out of poverty and onto a path of life-long self-sufficiency. Chrysalis empowers its clients and offers a hand up, rather than a hand out; assisting clients to complete a self-directed job search.