Our employees help "freeze the house" for families
Feb 9, 2017, 17:44 PMFortisAlberta employees have been longtime supporters of the Central Alberta Ronald McDonald House in Red Deer. From Feb. 3 - 5, six employees stepped up once again for this great cause by participating in the annual Freeze the House Charity Bonspiel at the Pidherney Curling Centre in Red Deer. The team competed hard in three tightly contested games.
“This is the primary fundraiser for the House and the donations were very generous,” says Ron, one of our Design Specialists/Technologists. “FortisAlberta has been one of the sponsors for this bonspiel since its inception six years ago, and I’m proud to be part of this fundraiser that helps provide a home away from home for families with children receiving vital medical treatment in Red Deer.”
Ron is also among several employees who volunteer at the House to prepare warm meals for the families on FortisAlberta's designated day each month.
Great job guys!