Welcome to our Crowsnest Pass customers
Dec 21, 2016, 22:11 PMFortisAlberta would like to welcome Crowsnest Pass as we begin the operation of the electric system that brings electricity to all of the homes and businesses in your community.
You may have already seen us around your community as we prepared for this transition. This work included the installation of a new meter that will allow us to provide an accurate read of your power consumption. Through our automated system this information is conveyed to your retailer*/billing company each month, which will greatly reduce the need for us to access your property for physical meter reads.
Our mission is to provide your community with safe and reliable electricity service. This means that our goal is to reduce the frequency of power outages and, in those cases where the lights do go out, we will work hard to get the power restored safely and efficiently. As a customer of FortisAlberta, you will benefit from the technology we offer through our Control Centre located in Airdrie, where we can monitor the entire system from one central location. As Albertans, we understand the impact that adverse weather can have on the power system. In the event of a severe weather situation, we have Power Line Technicians ready to mobilize whenever they are needed.
If you experience a power outage in your community, there are many ways to connect with FortisAlberta.This includes contacting our 24/7 customer contact centre at 310-WIRE (9473), online or through our mobile application, which is available for download on the app store for your device by searching for “FortisAlberta.”
For more information about your service and FortisAlberta, please explore our website or follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Wishing you and your family all the best during the holiday season.