Local People: Quinn, Crew Lead, Wainwright
Jul 18, 2024, 15:02 PMWhat does your day-to-day work involve?
Our crew handles various tasks, including installing new poles and lines, connecting services and upgrading equipment. We’re focused on improving safety and reliability for customers.
What’s unique about the work in your area?
From Wainwright, we serve a range of locations, from towns like Irma and Provost to oilfield sites, farms and acreages in between.
How does your work benefit the community?
We recently installed a new automation system in Wainwright. It can identify the location of a fault and re-route power to restore customers who might otherwise have to wait for a technician to fix things manually.
Can you talk about a highlight, success or key memory from your time at FortisAlberta?
For me, changing a blown transformer during a cold snap comes to mind. Keeping families safe and warm in extreme weather is incredibly rewarding.
What do you most enjoy about the work you do?
I enjoy the team environment. Having people you can rely on makes life easier.
What would you consider one of the more challenging parts of the job?
Dealing with unpredictable weather can be tough. We’re often trying to stay cool in the summer, tossing on an extra layer in the winter or trying to keep dry in some pretty crazy thunderstorms.
How does the work of your crew ensure public safety throughout our service area?
Through upgrades to the system as needed, we can keep everyone safe.
In your role, what stands out as a memorable project you’ve been a part of?
Collaborating with the team based in Camrose has always been rewarding. By working together, we ensure jobs stay on schedule and provide support for each other and better service for our customers.
When you’re not at work, what might your community members find you doing?
I love spending time with my wife and twins. I enjoy playing golf in the summer and you can find me playing hockey in the winter.